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Presenting my Research at the Aquarium of the Pacific's Citizen Science Symposium

I had the pleasure of presenting my carnivore research at the Aquarium of the Pacific's 2nd Annual Citizen Science for Conservation in Southern California Symposium. Now that is a mouthful!

The event featured keynote speaker Mary Ellen Hannibal. Mary is a dedicated citizen scientist and author of Citizen Scientist: Searching for for Heroes and Hope in the Age of Extinction. I love how Allison Lee articulated the talk:


Throughout the symposium there was Moderated Panel Discussions. Panel 1 discussed how citizen science is making a difference while Panel 2 explored the importance of quality data and methodology. Citizen scientists with a range of different backgrounds and projects presented during the Lightning Round Presentations. They shared with the audience the work they are doing and how it is shaping their communities. This is when I presented.

Snapping a photo with Brian Pucio, Stough Canyon Nature Center and Dr. Mary Bober, Santa Monica College. The last lectures of the day were the Special Session Presentations. The day concluded with a reception that included a book signing and Poster Presentations. What a lovely day! Thank you to the Aquarium of the Pacific, Marine Conservation Research Institute (MCRI), and Premier for the opportunity to share my research with the community. In case you missed the talk you can browse through the presentation below. Thank you to Robert Martinez and David Moskowtiz for allowing me to use your images for the powerpoint.

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